There will be plenty of events going on in Binghamton this weekend, and there will be Rod Serling Conferences at Ithaca College and Antioch College. On Saturday evening, WSKG, our local PBS affiliate, will air live performances of two Twilight Zone scripts, along with a short documentary produced by WSKG's Emmy award-winning Brian Frey.
Others have decided to get in on the Serling celebration, too. The Chamber of Commerce has created a special pamphlet, complete with a map of Serling-specific sites to visit in Binghamton. We've got a Rod Serling postage stamp now, and a BC Transit bus with a larger-than-life image of Mr. Serling.
It's appropriate that we should have such an over-the-top celebration because Rod Serling was proud of his Binghamton heritage. In an interview, he's quoted as saying,
"Everyone has to have a hometown. Binghamton's mine. In the strangelyAnd, of course, if you're interested in delving more into The Twilight Zone or into Rod Serling's past, the library has a wealth of resources.
brittle terribly sensitive makeup of a human being, there is need for a place to
hang a hat, or a kind of geographical womb to crawl back into, or maybe just a
place that's familiar because that's where you grew up.
"When I dig back through memory cells, I get one particularly distinctive feeling and that's one of warmth, comfort, and well-being. For whatever else I may have had or lost or will find, I've still got a hometown. This, nobody's gonna take away from me."
We have:
- books about Rod Serling
- Twilight Zone Radio Dramas on audiocassette and CD
- episodes of The Twilight Zone on videocassette
- graphic novel adaptations of Twilight Zone scripts
- and more!
Also, if you want to read articles about Serling and about past Twilight Zone-related local events, Local History has LOTS of information.